Letter From Chandy

Dear Friend,

Family is the most important aspect in many of our lives, but at the same time can be very frustrating and overwhelming.  Investing in the long-term stability and success of this relationship through marriage coaching is one of the smartest decisions anyone can take. A strong marriage relationship must have strong love, support and encouragement both in practically and emotionally.  Marriage coaching can help to improve listening skills, open communication without judgment, mutual trust and respect, resolve conflicts effectively and quickly and develop strong love connections through quality time spent together in healthy activities.


Couples Coaching should enhance the natural benefits of the relationship which include lower stress, improved physical health, development of healthier behaviors or habits, greater sense of purpose or meaning in life and overall healthier life individually and as a couple. Couples coaching greatly benefit when communication has become generally negative or even toxic, when one or both partners are considering or are involved in extramarital relationships physically or emotionally, when partners begin to function more like roommates than spouses/lovers, when continuing an unfulfilled life with unresolved conflicts, when separation or divorce seems like the only option or when the relationship remains solely for the sake of the children.


I’ve enjoyed working with couples for the past twenty five plus years especially as a AACC certified Life Coach since 2013.  My approach is to meet each partner individually as needed after the first session and then continually work with the couple together.  This allows each individual the opportunity to fully explore their thoughts and feelings about the relationship and develop a specific action plan for the couple to meet the goal. I use a variety of techniques designed to promote higher level communication with deeper understanding of one another’s experiences as well as teaching conflict resolution skills that can be used to resolve future differences. 


While there are no guarantees, I have witnessed success with couples those who have already made preliminary plans for divorce with the direction of attorneys but as the result of Coaching totally recovering and restoring the broken relationship, overcome betrayals including infidelity and financial irresponsibility.  I’ve also seen couples who are struggling to blend families in second marriages what seemed to be irreconcilable differences after working to improve communication, compromise successfully on in-laws issues.


I believe that regardless of the state of your relationship, there is always hope for improving it.  I believe you can work with Coaching guidance toward the wonderful marital relationship you’ve always wanted. 

- Chandy John

Take the next step today!