Online coaching is simple. All you need is a computer or a cell phone with a private internet connection.
I use Zoom for online meetings. Zoom is a secure, online video conferencing platform that’s very easy to use.
Once you book your appointment, you will receive an email with a link for your appointment. Simply click on the Zoom link I send you to start your session, no downloads or tech skills necessary!
Video Test Run:
We will do a test run before your session to make sure everything is working and that you feel comfortable with the technology.
Advantages of Virtual and Online Coaching:
Online Coaching is easy and convenient You can have sessions at home, in the office, or while you travel.
Online Coaching is available for both individuals and couples Sessions can be scheduled when it’s convenient for you and your partner: before or after work, during a lunch break, or when your kids are in bed. If you are in couples counseling and one of you travels, you can still have couples sessions while the two of you are in different locations.
Online Coaching saves time No need to commute. You will save time driving to and from your appointment and avoid getting stuck in traffic. Online therapy can fit your busy schedule.
Online Coaching is as effective as in-person coaching Online coaching offers all the benefits of traditional coaching in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Thirty years of research shows that online coaching/counseling is as effective as traditional coaching/counseling in the office, if not better! Studies show that people are more relaxed and more satisfied if they are receiving coaching at home.